Summary. app for iPhone and iPad
Summary is your summarization of each day!
Join us to be informed about every day in a short format including news and fun facts about them, such as the highest and lowest temperatures. You can also use summary as your daily diary, as you are able to write a review each day. These reviews will be connected to the summaries so that you will be able to look back at any day since we started and see the summary and review for that day.
- Check the time zone map linked inside the app to see when the summary drops for you.
- The summary contains the 5 most interesting news articles and the 3 most interesting sports articles in a short format, as well as the highest and lowest temperatures of the day, the most played song, the most watched movie and most watched series.
- Give the day a review and write down what you liked or didn’t like about it or maybe what you’ve accomplished and give it a rating from 1-10. Remember, you are the only one who sees this!
- Use our search bar to search for the dates inside of our app and see the news of those old days as well as what you wrote and gave it in rating.
Have fun and be informed! Knowledge is power.
You can find our privacy policy here on our app store page or on our website, which is also linked here.